Monday, August 23, 2010

Edgar Allen Poe Tell-Tale Heart

Tell Tale Heart Animation


Read The Tell-Tale Heart. Here are some untrue sentences about it. Change them into true sentences.

1. Because of his disease the narrator had terrible heating.

2. The old man had once hurt the narrator in some way.

3. The narrator decided to kill the old man because of his gold.

4. The narrator took thirty minutes to put his head inside the old man’s room

5. The old man could see and hear the narrator in his room.

6. The narrator felt sorry when he saw the old man’s eye.

7. The narrator pulled a heavy table on top of the old man.

8. He hid the old man’s dead body behind the wall.

9. The policemen came to the house because a neighbor had seen a strange man there.

10. The narrator told the police that the old man was away in hospital.

11. When the narrator spoke more loudly, the noise in the room became quieter.

12. The noise in the room was the old man’s watch.

In the Tell-Tale Heart a neighbor talks to the police. Put their conversation in the correct order and write in the speakers’ names. The policeman speaks first (Number 7).

1. _____ “This old man – do you know him?”

2. _____ “well, there was a terrible noise tonight from the house next door – like a great shout or a scream.”

3. _____ “strange? In what way?”

4. _____ “Hmm. I think I should go next door and ask a few questions. Thank you for telling us about this.”

5. _____ “I’m not sure – about two o’clock perhaps”

6. _____ I went to the window and looked out. I didn’t see anyone, but there was a light in the old man’s room.

7. _____”Now, sir, what’s the problem?”

8. _____ “So what did you do then?”

9. _____”He talks to himself – and he has really wild eyes.”

10. _____ “Oh, yes – he is a very nice man. A younger man lives in the house too – but he’s a bit strange.”

11. _____ “No, just one. But after that there was a loud bang – like something heavy falling to the floor.”

12. _____ “Two o’clock. I see. And were there any more screams?”

WILLIAM WILSON by Edgar Allan Poe

Read WILLIAM WILSON then answer the questions:

1. Match these halves of sentences to make a paragraph of seven sentences:

1. The narrator had to leave Oxford for Europe …
2. But in every city that he visited …
3. When he had evil plans, …
4. At first the narrator obeyed Wilson’s orders, …
5. This made him feel brave and strong…
6. At last, at a party in Rome, the narrator took his sword…
7. But when he looked at his enemy’s face, …
8. the other Wilson stopped them.
9. because everyone knew that he was a cheat at cards.
10. he saw that it was the same as his own.
11. and he thught that he culd break away from his enemy.
12. the other William Wilson appeared.
13. and killed the other man.
14. but he began drinking heavily.

2 . Here are four passages from Wilson’s diary. Complete them with the words below (use each word once), and then say who wrote each passage – the ‘good’ or the ‘bad’ Wilson.

1. I no longer play cards. I am known to be a __________, which is no better than a _____________. Once, what I tried to win a lot of money, I was ____________ and told to leave oxford at once. But the man that I tried to ____________ was saved.

2. At Oxford I was a clever and successful ____________. It was an easy way to ____________money. I used special ____________, which I hid inside my ____________. I only played with ____________ people, but sadly, one day I was caught, and so had to leave England.

3. Tonight the Duke Di Broglio’s ____________has agreed to meet me in a room ____________ we can be alone. She is young, beautiful, and not very ____________ - and tonight she will be ____________! I shall fight anybody who tries to ____________ me.

4. I spend my life searching for ____________. Tonight I have planned a ____________ meeting with the Duke’s wife. She is beautiful, but not clever ____________ to recognize an ____________ man when she sees one. Somebody ____________ warn her about me.

3. Who or what, was the other William Wilson? Explain your answer.

1. A real person – who happens to look just like the narrator

2. a different part of the narrator’s own mind

3. somebody that the narrator imagines, in a waking dream

4. the good side of the narrator’s character

5. a kind of ghost

Thursday, August 12, 2010


A. Read the mask of the red death. Answer these questions.

1. Who was not afraid of the red death?

2. Who did Prince Prospero invite to his castle?

3. Why could nobody enter or escape from the castle?

4. What were the colors of the seven rooms in the castle?

5. What was against the wall in the last room?

6. What did people notice while the clock was chiming midnight?

7. What was the stranger wearing?

8. How did the prince feel when he saw the stranger?

9. Why didn’t anyone want to touch the stranger?

10. What happened when the stranger turned and looked at the Prince?

11. What was inside the stranger’s clothes and mask?

12. What was left in the castle when the clock stopped chiming?

B. Imagine that Prince Prospero, in The Masque Of The Red Death, speaks to the stranger just before he dies. Complete their conversation. (Use as many words as you like.)

Prince: ______________________?

Stranger: you know who I am.

Prince: How ___________________? the gates _______________?

Stranger: I do not need a key to pass through a locked gate.

Prince: ___________________ at once! Or I ________________

Stranger: I will not leave. And your sword cannot hurt me.

Prince: But what ________________?

Stranger: I have many times, but tonight I am called the Read Death.

Prince: Why ________________?

Stranger: Because, Prince Prospero, it is time for you to die.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Read THE BLACK CAT by Edgar Allan Poe and answer the questions:

1. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Rewrite the false ones with the correct information.

1. the narrator liked animals more than people.

2. Pluto the dog was the narrator’s favorite animal.

3. when Pluto bit the narrator, he cut one of its legs off.

4. the shape of a cat appeared on the bedroom wall.

5. the new cat looked the same as Pluto in every way.

6. the narrator killed his wife with an axe.

7. after he killed his wife, the narrator slept badly.

8. the police found the living woman and the dead cat.

9. the police found the living woman and the dead cat together behind the wall.

2. The police who found the black cat wrote a report about their visit to the house. Put these sentences in order, joining the parts where necessary, in order to make their report.

1. he knocked on one of the cellar walls with his stick, …

2. the owner took us down to the cellar.

3. and on top of her head there was a black cat with one eye.

4. so we got ready to leave.

5. On July 7th we went to 51 Barker Street.

6. The cat was making the terrible sound that we had heard.

7. and suddenly we heard a sound from behind the wall.

8. Soon we found the dead body of a woman, …

9. After we had searched the rooms upstairs, …

10. We found nothing unusual there …

11. but then it became a loud and terrible scream.

12. Then the owner began to tell us how well built the house was.

13. We began to pull the wall down,

14. At first it was a soft cry, …